St Andrews Burns Club

Founded 1869


Date for your diary 

Sadly our Burns Supper which was to be on 24 January 2025 in The New Golf Club was cancelled thanks to the untimely arrival of storm Eowyn.

However, a summer Burns Supper celebration is being planned for 25 July 2025.  Members will be notified of this event.

St Andrews Burns Club has a notable history.    It is one of the oldest Burns Clubs in the world and was founded in 1869.  It is number 13 in The Robert Burns World Federation which itself was founded in 1885.  Like other clubs our aim is to encourage the enjoyment of the works of Robert Burns.  We do this by running a series of school competitions.  

Anyone interested in joining the club can find the forms at the documents page of this site.

Rory Turnbull was the St Andrews Day Piper for the year.   President Jim McArthurs awarded Rory his Prize at our recent Burns Supper.


The top table at the Burns Supper, Marilyn Rhind, Jim McArthur, Dorothea Morrison. Back row was Gordon Howe, David Strachan, Simon Lamb and Kyffin Roberts.

All Images Copyright © Michael Joy, St Andrews

Robert Hutchinson, winner of the Club's 2024 Doc Malcolm award, reciting Robert Fergusson's'Elegy for Mr David Gregory'whilewearing the Fergusson costume from the Kate Kennedy Procession. He did so as part of a commemoration of the 250thanniversary of the untimely death of Fergusson, organised by the University. Fergusson, whom Burns revered as his "elder brother of the Muse", wrote the poem as a new student at St Andrews, aged just 14 - the same age as Robert Hutchinson. Gordon Howe commissioned a tribute to Fergusson from his friend Michel Philip, the accordionist, which the two of them played at the same commemoration.

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